

BMK methyl glycidate, also known as methyl 3-oxo-2-phenylbutyrate, is a chemical compound of significant interest in both academic and industrial settings. Its unique chemical structure and versatile reactivity render it a valuable precursor in the synthesis of various organic molecules, including pharmaceuticals and fragrances. This article aims to explore the chemical properties of BMK methyl glycidate, elucidating its structure, synthesis methods, and potential applications.

Structure and Synthesis:

BMK methyl glycidate is characterized by a phenyl group attached to a four-carbon chain containing a ketone and an ester functional group. Its molecular formula is C11H12O3, and it exists as a colorless to pale yellow liquid or crystalline solid. Synthesis of BMK methyl glycidate typically involves the condensation of benzyl cyanide with ethyl acetoacetate followed by hydrogenation and esterification steps. Various synthetic routes exist for its production, each offering advantages in terms of yield, purity, and scalability.

Chemical Properties:

BMK methyl glycidate exhibits unique chemical properties owing to its molecular structure and functional groups. It is sparingly soluble in water but dissolves readily in organic solvents such as ethanol and acetone. The compound may undergo degradation upon exposure to heat, light, or acidic/basic conditions, leading to the formation of degradation products. Its reactivity primarily revolves around its carbonyl and ester functional groups, making it amenable to various synthetic transformations, including reduction, oxidation, and nucleophilic substitution reactions.


The versatility of BMK methyl glycidate makes it a valuable intermediate in organic synthesis, with applications spanning pharmaceuticals, fragrances, and agrochemicals. It serves as a precursor in the synthesis of pharmaceutical compounds such as antihypertensives, anticonvulsants, and antimicrobials. Additionally, BMK methyl glycidate finds use in fragrance compositions, imparting floral and fruity notes to perfumes and personal care products. Its synthetic accessibility and manipulability make it an attractive candidate for exploring structure-activity relationships and designing novel chemical entities with potential therapeutic or sensory properties.


In conclusion, BMK methyl glycidate represents a versatile building block in organic synthesis with diverse applications across various industries. Its chemical structure, synthesis methods, and reactivity underscore its importance in modern chemistry and scientific research. Continued exploration of its synthetic potential and applications is essential for unlocking its full utility while ensuring responsible use and regulatory compliance.

If you want to read more about bmk methyl glycidate you can do it by the link https://bbgate.com/tags/bmk-glycidate.

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